Title |
Authors/Editors |
Publisher |
Type |
Copies |
A Room of One's Own
Mariner Books |
Books |
1 |
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (Dover Thrift Editions)
Dover Publications |
Books |
1 |
Anarchy and the Sex Question: Essays on Women and Emancipation, 1896–1917 (Revolutionary Pocketbooks)
PM Press |
Books |
1 |
Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women
Broadway Books |
Books |
1 |
Bad Feminist: Essays
Harper Perennial |
Books |
1 |
Colonize This!: Young Women of Color on Today's Feminism (Live Girls)
Seal Press |
Books |
1 |
Communion: The Female Search for Love
William Morrow Paperbacks |
Books |
1 |
Dirty River: A Queer Femme of Color Dreaming Her Way Home
Arsenal Pulp Press |
Books |
1 |
Feminism Is for Everybody: Passionate Politics
South End Press |
Books |
1 |
Feminism without Borders: Decolonizing Theory, Practicing Solidarity
Duke University Press Books |
Books |
1 |